Risk Management Programme (CII CPD accredited programme)

Organisations must take risks if they are to achieve their desired objectives. The most risk-aware companies understand that active management of potential problems and favourable opportunity provides them with a competitive advantage. Successful risk management is therefore key to business survival and growth. In recognition of this, Gen Re Business School has designed a comprehensive training programme for life and health insurance professionals who seek a deeper understanding of risk management methods, strategy and process.

The Risk Management Programme is a five-day seminar that mixes lectures and practical workshops offering delegates the chance to transfer newly acquired risk management skills into day-to-day practice. The programme comprises a combination of course attendance and guided self-study at home. Self-study consolidates and supplements the subjects that were addressed during the seminar week. Via our e-learning system, participants will process sample cases and answer questions related to the respective topics. The course takes place in Cologne, Germany and will be held in English.

The seminar is aimed at actuaries and other insurance professionals who deal with risk management in insurance companies. All proceedings are presented in English and the venue is Cologne, Germany. Participants who complete the whole course programme successfully will receive a CII accredited certificate.

Please click here to view the programme.

Contact: Mirko von Haxthausen, Head of Gen Re Business School, +49 221 9738 156 or business-school@genre.com.