
Charlie Shamieh
General Re Corporation


Kara Raiguel
President and CEO
General Re Corporation

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Wenden Sie sich an unser Team in Ihrem Marktbereich, um ins Gespräch zu kommen.

Führungskreis Schaden/Unfall Nordamerika

CEO North America
Property & Casualty

Kara Raiguel profile image
Kara Raiguel

CEO North America
Property & Casualty

Ridge Muhly profile image
Ridge Muhly

National & Multinational
Companies - Vertrag

Chuck Lawson profile image
Chuck Lawson


Patrick Carroll profile image
Patrick Carroll

North America
P&C Claims

Glenn Frankel profile image
Glenn Frankel

Regional & Speciality
Companies - Vertrag

Robert Jones profile image
Robert Jones


Christopher Brock profile image
Christopher Brock

Chief Risk Officer
North America P&C

Molly Corbett profile image
Molly Corbett

Führungskreis Schaden/Unfall international

Head of International
Property & Casualty

Andrew D'Arcy profile image
Andrew D'Arcy

Asien Pazifik

Ben Liang profile image
Ben Liang

Australien, Neuseeland

Neal Mullen profile image
Neal Mullen

Frankreich, Belgien,
Italien, Nordische Länder,
Mittlerer Osten &

Emmanuel Broquier profile image
Emmanuel Broquier

Lateinamerika, Spanien,

Luis Rayes profile image
Luis Rayes

International P&C Facultative

Joaquin Orejas profile image
Joaquin Orejas

Deutschland, Österreich,
Schweiz, Luxemburg,
Niederlande, Israel, Zentral-,
Ost- und Südost-Europa

Alexander Zeller profile image
Alexander Zeller

Vereinigtes Königreich
& Irland

Stuart Anderson profile image
Stuart Anderson

P&C Claims

Edmund Fernandez profile image
Edmund Fernandez

Chief Risk Officer
International P&C

Michael Hosking profile image
Michael Hosking


Head of Region

Tuan Miang Chua profile image
Tuan Miang Chua

China & Hongkong SAR

Haifei Chen profile image
Haifei Chen

Underwriting & Claims

Irene Ng profile image
Irene Ng

Japan, Südostasien

Dr. Dirk Nieder profile image
Dr. Dirk Nieder

Australien & Neuseeland, Kanada, Karibik, Subsahara-Afrika, Vereinigtes Königreich & Irland

Head of Region

Peter Temple profile image
Peter Temple

Australien & Neuseeland

Haifei Chen profile image
Haifei Chen


Cindy Blanchard profile image
Cindy Blanchard
Jason Cooper-Williams profile image
Jason Cooper-Williams

Vereinigtes Königreich & Irland

Jules Constantinou profile image
Jules Constantinou


Michael Hughes profile image
Michael Hughes

Europa, Lateinamerika, MENA

Head of Region

Ulrich Pasdika profile image
Ulrich Pasdika


Friedrich Müller profile image
Friedrich Müller


Carmelo Galante profile image
Carmelo Galante

Underwriting & Claims

Astrid Kahl profile image
Astrid Kahl


Michael Otto profile image
Michael Otto

Mittlerer Osten & Nordafrika

Mazen Abouchakra profile image
Mazen Abouchakra


Head of Region

Noel Harewood profile image
Noel Harewood

Marketing & Client Services

James Greenwood profile image
James Greenwood
Vincent DeMarco profile image
Vincent DeMarco


Keith Brown profile image
Keith Brown

Global Life & Health Business Functions

Chief Underwriting Officer

Andres Webersinke profile image
Andres Webersinke

Chief Pricing Actuary

Jeremy Poole profile image
Jeremy Poole

Chief Claims Officer

Patricia Bailer profile image
Patricia Bailer

General Re Corporation

Mike O'Dea profile image
Mike O'Dea
Andrew Gifford profile image
Andrew Gifford
Joseph Wallen profile image
Joseph Wallen
Frank Schmid profile image
Frank Schmid
Sandra Bell profile image
Sandra Bell
Sabine Denne profile image
Sabine Denne